Tips for Staying Healthy, Active, & Positive

Tips for Staying Healthy, Active, & Positive

The majority of health issues are discussed in the book, as well as what can be done about them. These healthy communities help women in maintaining health by offering nutritious food, hygiene, relaxation, and satisfying basic health requirements. Healthy women can help to alleviate the challenge of providing appropriate family care. This chapter explains how to keep a woman, her family, and the community as a whole from being ill.

Of course, staying healthy is not simple for women. Women work hard to make sure the health of their communities and families, but many lack the time, money, and energy to care for themselves. Most women are raised to labor for others, and as a result, they do not have time for themselves while focused on household responsibilities. Children and husbands consume even the most minimal household resources.

What could have been done to prevent the disease from impacting the family?

  • If the family had followed the following measures, they may have avoided contracting the disease:
  • The man had gone to Toiled to defecate.
  • If a pig or other animal is not properly cared for.
  • If the mother had not used her own garments to clean the baby’s hand and had not handled the meal with the same hand.

In-community sanitation

Most common health concerns may be handled inside the community if community members work together to improve cleanliness.

It is possible. It has several advantages, including:

Working together to provide a supply of safe drinking and cooking water: Water should be accessible to community members within 15 minutes.

To keep drinking and cooking water clean, follow these steps:

  • Do Not allow animals near a water source. A wall should be built around the source if necessary.
  • Bathing, washing clothing, and dishwashing should not be done near water sources.

Safe management of waste: Bury, compost, or burn the garbage if feasible. Make the hole a little deeper when burying so that animals and grasshoppers can’t get at the waste. If rubbish is heaped on the ground, cover it with earth to keep flies away and to ensure that dangerous chemicals are fully destroyed. For example, if plastic objects are burnt close to the house, the poisonous fumes can harm children, the elderly, and the ill.

Drainage: For washing clothes and utensils, frozen water should be removed from holes, tires, and open containers. Mosquitoes spread fever, as do malaria and dengue fever. Mosquitoes proliferate and flourish in freezing water. Sleep with a blanket if possible.

Organizing community people to produce Toilet: Learn how to create Toilet on the following page.

Cleaning inside of the house 

Germs may readily spread among family members since they must live together. The odds of the disease spreading will be considerably decreased if any household follows the following.

  • Wash cooking dishes with soap or clean ash after each meal. Allow the kitchenware to be exposed to the sun if possible.
  • Indoors, keep everything clean (living space). Sweep the floor and rinse it. Clean beneath the beds, tables, and chairs as well. If there are holes in the wall or floor where creatures such as snakes, wasps, or scorpions may hide, stay away.
  • Aphids, flies, and other parasites can be killed by drying bedding and garments in the sun.
  • Spit does not belong on the floor. Cover your nose, mouth, hands, and face with a cloth or handkerchief while coughing or sneezing, and then wash your hands.
  • Defecate on the toilet seat. Children should also be taught to remain quiet. If you can’t do that, at least send them to defecate away from their homes and drinking water supplies.

Personal grooming

It is preferable to take a daily bath with soap and water if feasible. Take a bath twice a week if you don’t already. Also, Hands should be washed before and after cooking, eating, defecating and serving children and the ill.

Personal cleaning

It is advisable to select a daily bath with soap and water if feasible. Take a bath twice a week if you don’t already. Also:

  • Hands should be washed before and after cooking, eating, defecating and serving children and the ill.
  • Every day, wash your genitals with soapy water and clean water. However, never clean the vaginal area with a douche or water. The fluid that runs out of a woman’s vagina maintains her genitals clean by itself, but when it is cleansed, the fluid that flows might trigger an infection in her vagina.
  • Urinate following sexual activity. This can help avoid urinary tract infections, but it won’t stop you from getting pregnant.
  • Wipe properly or rinse with clean water after feces. Wipe defecation from front to back at all times. When questioned from behind, germs and parasites can enter the urethra and vagina.

Dental health

  • A toothache may be avoided with proper dental hygiene (cavities formed by rinsing toothpaste and gingivitis, pain).
  • A significant illness causes tooth decay. It has the potential to spread to other places of the body.
  • A person who does not properly brush and floss his teeth may lose them before reaching old age.
  • Clean well twice a day. Insects can be avoided by cleaning in this manner. Clean the teeth outside, inner, middle, and gums thoroughly. Brushing the teeth is a good way to clean them. It is beneficial to have toothpaste, although it is not required. Cleaning with salt and clean water is another option.

Purified water

As much as feasible, drinking water should be obtained from the cleanest source. If the water is cloudy, it should be thawed and the clean bacteria eliminated as directed below. This process is known as water purification.

Clean water should be kept in a clean container. Before putting water in the container containing cooking oil, thoroughly clean it with soap and hot water. Never put drinking water in a container that has pesticides, chemicals, or kerosene in it. And wash with fresh water.

Food Security

Junk food is the leading cause of intestinal illnesses. The disease’s germs are sometimes introduced to food through the hands of harvesters and threshers. Germs in the air can sometimes transfer to food and ruin it. Even if the meal is not cooked, it will be old if it is not cooked properly.

To prevent the transmission of germs in food, follow these steps:

  • Before cooking, eating, or feeding children, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Hand washing incorrectly can transmit the sickness.
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables only after peeling or thoroughly cleaning them / a clean hand wipe Keep it shut.
  • To avoid spitting in meals, do not cough, spit, chew, or chew in the sun regularly.
  • Raw meat, fish, and other raw foods should not be stored together.
  • Wash your hands, arms, and scalp well after chopping the meat.
  • Allowing animals to lick food containers is not a good idea. Allow just certain animals inside the kitchen.
  • Remove any spoiled food as soon as possible.

The following are some signs of food spoilage:

  • noxious smell
  • Discoloration of food. (Raw flesh, for example, changes color from red to gray.)
  • Many blisters on the outer layers with a foul odor, as observed in old (stale) vegetables that have been exposed to fluids.
  • On the top layer of meat and prepared food, Kai leu.

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